Transitioning to Python for Data Analysis
Ethan Cerami
After many years of struggling with R, I have now made the transition to Python for data analysis. Python notebooks have also been a revelation, and there is no turning back now.
A few useful resources for those looking to take the plunge:
10 Minutes to Pandas: Good introduction with basic code examples.
Pandas Cookbook: Excellent introduction with sample Python notebooks you can work through yourself. I especially enjoyed the notebooks for analyzing New York City 311 calls.
Pandas, MatPlotLib, and Numpy Cheat Sheets: Excellent, concise cheat sheets. Print them out and keep them handy.
Official Pandas Docs: Not the easiest for beginners, but handy nonetheless.
What’s New in Pandas: New stuff appears here.
MatplotLib: Plotting in Python. So much easier than R!
Seaborn: statistical data visualization: For when MatPlotLib doesn’t cut it.
- now fully open source; easily create interactive plots and visualization.
And, for those looking for a quick, simple mash up of pandas and plotly, served via flask, a basic hello world application: